Watch your language!

Watch your language!

The words we choose to use really do shape the type of day we’ll have, the type of life we’ll lead and indeed the type of person we are. A bold statement yes, with good reason. Our words are truly powerful things, they’re based on our thoughts which are based on our...

Let’s skip to the good bit…

Let’s skip to the good bit…

It’s 11pm and you’re staring at a blank page with little or no inspiration apart from a nagging voice inside telling you your life will be transformed if only you were journaling daily. Perfect. Layer on a side of guilt, disappointment and frustration to your already...

Become a Mental Health First Aider

Become a Mental Health First Aider

EDP Training offer training certified by Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA England). (include the MHFA ICON) here A two-day course to help employers better understand the mental health of their employees and support employees who may be experiencing mental health...

Finding your ‘now state’

Finding your ‘now state’

For moments when you feel overwhelm and anxiety. Use this simple exercise to bring you back to the now. And give you a blast of clarity. You can use this daily. Download now

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© Emma Jane Coaching 2023
Tel: 07854 830 256