My Story 

I spent 20 years in corporate roles managing teams, projects and programmes of change. I experienced the pressure of a demanding role and the stress that can accumulate if you don’t take care of your own wellbeing.

It’s the reason I chose to start my business, the reason you’ll experience my commitment to your success, and the reason a large percentage of my work comes from recommendations. To me integrity, quality and progress matter.

In the midst of a very stressful time in my life I sought the support of a coach. I was in a role that felt overwhelming for many reasons. I struggled to make decisions, found myself withdrawing from social situations, and even started to question my own judgement. I realised I was becoming unwell. If I was to salvage my career, I needed to take action. The coach I chose opened my eyes to a very different way of thinking and managing not just my career but also my life. It worked.I was totally blown away by this experience, so I became an Executive Coach and NLP master practitioner.

I now specialise in working with leaders and managers in business to create positive change.

My Values & Beliefs

Integrity – it matters

Confidentiality, outwardly doing the right thing, putting judgement to one side and respecting someone’s truth are all qualities I hold in high regard. My clients are at the core of what I do.

“Lead your life so you wouldn’t be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip”. – Will Rogers

Originality - Inspiration is everything

My Style is interactive and original. I like the phrase “creative excellence”. When I work with Clients, I don’t just take it straight out of a text book. We are all unique. Therefore, our values beliefs, patterns and preferences are too.  

Evolution – we learn, we change, we grow

People and the world around us change constantly. I pride myself on creating the right space to think and where needed the challenge to support life changing transformations.

Coaching Blog



Finding your now state

Finding your ‘now state’

Person face down on sofa

Let’s skip to the good bit…

Contact me today to start working together.

7 + 12 =

© Emma Jane Coaching 2023
Tel: 07854 830 256